T'Shuva is the Hebrew word meaning "to repent" or "to return". I personally like the definition of "Return". To return to what you might ask? To return to the truths of what following Jesus means. The reason why I use the word return is because truth isn't new, truth was, is and always will be there, is just a matter of us "rediscovering" it. We are on that journey to rediscover, to dust off, to open up, to return....
journeys will be very different, each one of us will have different perspectives, but we intend to share it with each other, share it with you. Hopefully, we'll help each other see glimpses of the vastness of our creator. We intend to have more of you join us, share with us to and add to the discussion on our journey.

Welcome to the
T'Shuva road trip , it's going to be a heck of a ride.
Ah...a new blog I see?
This is interesting, a team blog. I wonder what's gonna come out of this.
For now I'll keep my heretical views on my own blog, lest I be burned at the stake.
Oh, where'd you learn the name - Rob Bell? You guys have never taken Hebrew.
Good Comment Kevin Good Comment
This blog is going to be pretty crappy since we are, as you said, interpreting an English Bible. Our insight will be undoubtalbly shallow and most likely bias.
If only we knew hebrew and greek
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