Law school hasn’t been easy and I don’t think it will get any easier. Coming from someone who grew up in a comfortable well-off Chinese Christian family in West Vancouver, who has never worked for a day in his life and spends most of his time in the church, coming to face the reality of this world is extremely difficult. Everyday on the news, in our classes, in our newspapers, we are faced with genocides, starvation, slavery, aftermaths of natural disasters, economic disasters, and debates over humanitarian causes. Being a student of law means the studying of law and it’s interplay with politics and policies, whether on a national or international level, is inevitable. One, cannot help, but to ask the question: As ppl called by God to bring the realization of the “kingdom of God” that is ever so present, to the people of this world, what can we do to reflect our love for mercy, our strive for justice, and the gift of a relationship with God that He has so graciously and lovingly bestowed upon us on the cross.
What makes us good servants of God -- someone whose presence, along side God’s, can maximize their influence and impact on the very world that God invites us to change? Does it come with a thorough understanding of God – whether it be a substantial knowledge of the Bible attained by years and years of studying, or a divine understanding of God and His ways derived from a mind attuned to the very nature of God? Or is it a heart and mind full of faith – believing that God will lead and guide every single one of your steps (if not the small ones, the big ones) whether it be through divine inspiration or circumstances, and through that, ultimately changing the world simply because you’re walking with a God who longs to and works to change the world in the process? Or is it someone who has a acquired and attained the depth, the caliber, and the understanding of the world, and having built and developed skills to maneuver and manipulate the system, affect the very policies that run our nations and international relations? Or is it simply with love? One random act of love, one step at a time? Do we live life with the general guidelines of righteousness, wisdom, and love, given to us through the writings of our fathers in faith? Does it help the child bondage by the very fact that they are sex slaves? How does it bring hope to those that are watching their sisters and mothers getting raped, and their fathers and brothers mutilated and tortured by the very same ppl? What good is it, to those starving to death?
Answers? Anyone?
What makes us good servants of God -- someone whose presence, along side God’s, can maximize their influence and impact on the very world that God invites us to change? Does it come with a thorough understanding of God – whether it be a substantial knowledge of the Bible attained by years and years of studying, or a divine understanding of God and His ways derived from a mind attuned to the very nature of God? Or is it a heart and mind full of faith – believing that God will lead and guide every single one of your steps (if not the small ones, the big ones) whether it be through divine inspiration or circumstances, and through that, ultimately changing the world simply because you’re walking with a God who longs to and works to change the world in the process? Or is it someone who has a acquired and attained the depth, the caliber, and the understanding of the world, and having built and developed skills to maneuver and manipulate the system, affect the very policies that run our nations and international relations? Or is it simply with love? One random act of love, one step at a time? Do we live life with the general guidelines of righteousness, wisdom, and love, given to us through the writings of our fathers in faith? Does it help the child bondage by the very fact that they are sex slaves? How does it bring hope to those that are watching their sisters and mothers getting raped, and their fathers and brothers mutilated and tortured by the very same ppl? What good is it, to those starving to death?
Answers? Anyone?
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