So I was listening to this talk given by Brian McLaren the other day and what he thought Christianity was like when he grew up. He said life is like a box of jigsaw puzzles and our point of life was to put this puzzle together. Now jigsaw puzzle boxes have the picture of what the completed puzzle should look like. So in this sense, people will try to follow the picture to figure out the puzzle. So what if the top of the box, with the picture was switched onto a different box of puzzles that was trying to build a different picture?
Mclaren continues on with this illustration and says the Bible is the jigsaw pieces, and he loves every single piece. But he says when we try to put everything together, we are left frustrated because we were given the wrong picture lid. Some would take a marker and fudge the pieces to fit with the pictures. Others would leave out some pieces that doesn't seem to fit the picture.

Did somebody switch our lids?
Are we more loyal to the picture on the lid or the puzzle pieces?
And also, when we do have the pieces in the "right" place (correct lid or not), are we so firm on the certain interpretations we have developed - through church, other people, sunday school, what not - of the Word that we are closed minded to other interpretations?
To put the pieces in the right place, we must first be willing to take out the pieces that don't fit...
very cool very cool
i think most of our puzzle pieces are blurred too
like real pieces they resemble nothing...perhaps just the color green but when put together they make a pasture of grass. just having the pieces and no picture means that we are mostly screwed as well
oh and i saw andrew today
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