Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Boxing Day Gift: Continuing on with TULIP

Time to answer the long begotten question that Kevin left me in regard s to what I believe about TULIP back in October. Since now I have the time (and Kev reminded me, is time to continue on this conversation, shall we begin?)I'm not a big fan of doctrine nor Calvinism, but here we are: (The following are not in any order)

T = Total Depravity
We need God, we have all have the tendency to sin. I'm a bit hesitant on the whole idea of being "born into sin" as Augustine would argue. Yet my mind is torn on babies and kids who die without knowing better, before they know right from wrong. So they die and go spend eternity in the depths? God is too loving. I know some would argue that God will judge which I will have no doubt about. Yet it is a mystery is it not? But if we deny this point, the whole importance of the virgin birth of Jesus will come into jeopardy. (Man passing down sin to their children, so if sin does not begin at birth, then Jesus didn't need the virgin birth, and vice versa, Jesus was not a sinner if born not from a virgin, some hard things to think about).

I hold on Total Depravity in my definition as that we all need God, and we all have the tendency to sin and rebel against God. Yet, the questions still linger...

U = Unconditional Election
God has chosen to save everyone. I believe that salvation is for everyone. God came to save everyone. Heaven is full of forgiven people. Hell is full of forgiven people. Jesus came to save all.

Ok...I think that's enough for one brain doesn't work too well during the holidays...haha

But let's discuss these 2 points first.
Brothers & Sisters, fire away....

1 comment:

D.H. Wong said...

I don't buy this point:
(Man passing down sin to their children, so if sin does not begin at birth, then Jesus didn't need the virgin birth, and vice versa, Jesus was not a sinner if born not from a virgin, some hard things to think about)

I've heard it before and it sounds like a whole lotta bogus made up to fit a mold. It almost sounds like a superstition of antiquity. And I know I know, there are those two verses that will "support" this idea but with all support, there are numerous verses that will support unconditional election.

BTW isn't unconditional election referring to how God chooses who he wants in heaven and no one can change his mind and he chooses without bias?

Anyways...there's a cool party about calvinism in generous orthodoxy...i'll go see what it's about again

but those are my thoughts...
Total depravity is ok with me so far
Virgin Birth = No sin sounds like nonsense
Unconditional Election is very iffy and has a third variable....that being Time (as in History)