Monday, December 18, 2006


It's been a long while since anyone has posted anything on our conversational blog, since I'm still awake, I decide maybe I should write something for the Christmas holidays...

I titled this part of my thought as restoration after Gary's insight to Velvet Elvis, because within me, I believe we could do so much, to elaborate on how we are to try to restore this world to a place God intended it to be.

Just recently, the stats for one of the most elusive shopping days in the United States coded name 'black friday', in which is the day after thanksgiving kicking off the Christmas shopping season. The figures that came in on how much people did spend on that day was a close estimate of around 27.8 BILLION dollars USD.

Think about that...27.8 BILLION Dollars USD in one day of shopping

I hate throwing out stats...but here are some I think we need to truly consider:

It will cost us 1.74 Billion to give safe drinking water, sanitation and hygene education to the whole world (WaterAid)
It will cost about 13 Billion dollars more to what the UN is currently giving each year to provide basic health, nutrition needs of the world's poorest people. (Bread for the World)

Think about that.

14.74 Billion dollars a year can give the world its basic needs of surival of safe food, water and sanitation...just basic needs

Do you feel pain when you read these stats?
Cause I think Jesus does

How do we help in trying to restore the world?
I guess here's a start...doing the basic things Jesus commands us to do:
Feed the hungry
Taking care of the sick, widowed, and orphaned

I'll be the first one to admit, when ever those TV commericals come on about helping the poor, the needy, in places like Afica or Burma, I would change the channel. Cause I want to be ignorant of what is real around me. If I don't see it, it is not happening, is not affecting me.

How are we to 'T'Shuva' to the way God made us to be?

Something for all of us to think about during this holiday.

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